티스토리 뷰
Eleanor : Why aren't there stairs here? [groans] What kind of weirdo house is this? Ooh.
Chidi : Did you fill your bra with shrimp?
Eleanor : No. [hiccups] Yes. Whatever, it's freakin' heaven. I'm sure they have plenty of shellfish. That
Tahani is a real butthead, huh? Hey. At least I can still say "butthead." [groans] She is a butthead.
Chidi : Found some pajamas.
Eleanor : Chidi Chidi, Chidi? I'm sorry that you had to deal with this
Chidi : It's okay.
Eleanor : It's not, though. [sighs] Do you think anybody cared that I died? Maybe someone did. I don't know. I was an only child. My parents were divorced when I was a kid. They were both crummy
people, so they're probably [imitates fart] in the Bad Place. Maybe they're being used to torture each
other. It would work.
Chidi : [chuckles]
Eleanor : I bet way more people cared that you died. 'Cause you're a nice person. [clears throat] You're a nice person, Chidi… Anaconda.
Chidi : Anagonye.
Eleanor : Aganocomonga.
Chidi : Anagonye.
Eleanor : Ags… say it again.
Chidi : Anagonye.
Eleanor : No, say what you said before.
Chidi : I did. It's Anagonye.
Eleanor : You just changed it.
Chidi : I didn't change it; it's my name.
Eleanor : Argrugande. Ariana Grande. [gasps] That's a person. I did it. Good night.
Chidi : Good night.
[Circus music playing]
Chidi : Well, that's terrifying.
[snoring] [birds cawing] [thunder crashes]
Eleanor : That can't be good. [“Break Free” playing] Oh, fork.
Tahani : Michael.
Michael : Mm?
Tahani : Is that giant, terrifying ladybug supposed to be there?
Michael : Ah, well, great question, Tahani. No. No, it's not. I have no idea why any of this is happening or
how to control it.
Tahani : Should we run away then?
Michael : Yes. Tahani : Righto.
Eleanor : Chidi, Chidi! What's going on? Why are there giant animals everywhere? Do you hear Ariana
Grande playing? Why is everyone wearing blue and yellow?
Chidi : You're not. You're you're the only one who's not. Eleanor, this is all happening because of you.
Eleanor : Ah, fork me.
Eleanor : Okay, okay. We don't know this is because of me.
Chidi : Eleanor, this place is a perfectly made Swiss watch, and you are a wrench in the gears. Actually,
you're a hammer, just smashing the gears into dust.
Eleanor : Oh, hang on. Not everybody here is perfect, okay? Tahani is totally condescending. And
there are a couple of, you know, chunksters.
Chidi : Oh, come on!
Eleanor : No judgment. I'm just saying I'm not the only one with flaws. So how can we be sure this is
my fault?
Chidi : You hogged all the shrimp, and now there are shrimp flying around. You called Tahani a giraffe,
and now there are giraffes everywhere.
Eleanor : Okay, fine, turns out there are many ways to know that it was me.
Chidi : Let's just face it, Eleanor, you don't belong here.
Eleanor : Well, then this system sucks. What, one in a million gets to live in paradise and everyone else
is tortured for eternity? Come on. I mean, I wasn't freaking Gandhi, but I was okay. I was a medium
person. I should get to spend eternity in a medium place! Like Cincinnati. Everyone who wasn't perfect
but wasn't terrible should get to spend eternity in Cincinnati.
Chidi : Look, apparently it doesn't work that way. I'm sorry, Eleanor, but there's nothing anyone can do.
Eleanor : Unless there is something we can do. Unless you could teach me.
Chidi : Teach you what?
Eleanor : How to be good. That was your job, right? A professor of ethics? No one knew I was a problem
when I arrived. Things only started getting crazy after I was an ash-hole to everyone at the party. [groans] You know I'm trying to say "ash-hole" and not "ash-hole," right?
Chidi : I got that, yes.
Eleanor : Okay, give me a chance. Let me earn my place here. Let me be your ethical guinea pig.
[knock at door]
Michael : Hey, guys! Uh, emergency neighborhood meeting, now!
Eleanor : We'll be right there, Michael! If I walk out of here in these clothes, I'm toast. My soul is in your
hands, soul mate. What's it gonna be?
[knock at door] [thunder crashes]
Chidi : Oh, stomachache.
첫번째 문장
"What kind of weirdo house is that?", "Whatever, it's freakin' heaven.", "That Tahani is a real butthead."
무슨 이런 이상한 집이 다있어?, 머든지간에, 이건 미친 천국이다. 타하니는 정말 멍청이야
weirdo : a person who behaves strangely 여기서는 이상한 정도로 해석하면 되겠다.
freakin' : fucking을 대신 표현하는 단어중 하나
butthead : a stupid or stubborn person, 우리말로 멍청이, 바보 정도
두번째 문장
"I bet way more people cared that you died."
너가 죽었을 때는 훨씬 많은 사람들이 걱정했을거야
way를 무슨 방식이나, 수단 보다는 강조하는 역할로 보면 되겠다.
세번째 문장
"I have no idea why any of this is happening or how to control it."
나는 이런것들 왜 일어났고, 어떻게 다뤄야할지 모르겠어
이 문장은 보통 I have no idea를 많이 사용하는데, 그 뒤에 이유를 말하면 되니깐 평상시에 우리가 잘 활용할 수 있을 문장이라고 생각해서 골랐습니다. 예를 들어서, I have no idea why you are so upset. 나는 니가 왜그렇게 화났는지 모르겠다. 같이 쓰면 좋을 거 같습니다.
네번째 문장
"You are the only one who's not."
너는 그 옷을 입지 않은 유일한 사람이다.
마찬가지로 특정인물을 가리켜서 말할 때 아주 유용하게 쓰일 수 있을 거 같아서 뽑아봤습니다. 예를 들어서 He is the only one who is the best singer in the world. 그는 전세계에서 가장 노래를 잘하는 유일한 사람이다!
다섯번째 문장
"Eleanor, this place is a perfectly made Swiss watch, and you are a wrench in the gears. Actually, you're a hammer, just smashing the gears into dust."
엘리널, 이곳은 완벽하게 만들어진 스위스 시계야, 그리고 너는 톱니바퀴에 던져진 연장이야. 아니, 너는 톱니바퀴를 부셔서 먼지로 만드는 망치야!
Swiss watch : 스위스산 시계로 완벽함을 뜻한다
wrench : 스패너같은 연장
smash__a__into__b__ : a를 부셔서 b로 만든다.
여섯번째 문장
"You hogged all the shrimp, and now there are shrimp flying around."
니가 새우들을 훔쳤고, 지금 새우들이 날아다니고 있어.
hog : keep or use for oneself in an unfair or selfish way, 이기적인 방식으로 사용 또는 가지고 있는 상태
일곱번째 문장
"There's nothing anyone can do." "Unless there is something we can do. Unless you could teach me."
누구도 할 수 있는게 없어. 아니, 우리가 할 수 있는게 있어. 니가 나를 가르쳐주면되!
There's nothing anyone can do 이 문장도 잘 활용할 수 있기 때문에 가져왔습니다, There's nothing 뒤에 문장도 가능하고, to를 써서 표현해도 괜찮습니다. There's nothing to worry about 걱정할게 없다.
Unless : 우리가 보통 If ~ not ~으로 잘 알고 있지만, 흐름을 이해하기 꽤 힘든거 같습니다. 제가 찾아보니깐, except if 로 이해하면 훨씬 쉬운거 같습니다. 위에 문장에서 보면, 할수 있는게 없다, 하지만 우리가 할 수있는 것이 있다. 근데 이게 유일한 방법같은 느낌으로 이해하면 쉽습니다.
여덟번째 문장
"Things only started getting crazy after I was an ash-hole to everyone at the party."
이곳이 엉망이되기 시작한것이, 내가 파티에서 사람들에게 바보처럼 하면서부터야.
이 문장은 읽기가 많이 어렵고, 활용하기에도 괜찮을 거 같아서, 연습을 위해서 적어봤습니다.
I started getting bigger after I was eating junkfoods at the party. 내가 뚱뚱해지기 시작한것이, 파티에서 정크푸드를 먹으면서 부터였다.
이렇게 굿플레이스 1화 4part로 나눠서 모르는 문장, 알고 싶은 문장, 활용해보고 싶은 문장 분석이 마무리 되었습니다. 이제 쉐도잉 과정을 통해서 입에 계속 붙이고, 내가 연기자라고 생각하고, 최대한 똑같이 연습하겠습니다. 연습하는 영상도 올려보겠습니다!! 모두들 화이팅, 모르는 문장이나, 단어, 궁금한 사항이 있으면 알려주세요!
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[새로운 영어 쉐도잉 미드]굿플레이스 (0) | 2019.06.01 |
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