티스토리 뷰

출처 구글 이미지

Manager : So we sell two products here, NasaPRO and NasaPRO Silver. We aim this at seniors. Now,
you can't legally call it medicine because it doesn't technically work and it is technically chalk, so what
you're gonna want to do
Eleanor : You need me to lie to old people and scare them into buying fake medicine. I get it, man.
Which one's my desk?
Chidi : So your job was to defraud the elderly? Sorry the sick and elderly?
Eleanor : But I was very good at it. I was the top salesperson five years running.
Chidi : Okay, but that's worse. I mean, you you do get how that's worse? Right?
[indistinct chatter]
Chidi : You know, maybe it's a test. Maybe if you go to Michael and you tell him the truth, you'll pass the
test and you'll get to stay.
Eleanor : No way. I can't risk going to the Bad Place.
Chidi : Okay, well, maybe it's not actually, like, all that bad. Let's just get some information first. We'll ask Janet. Hey, Janet?
Janet : Hi there.
Eleanor : Gah!
Janet : How can I help you?
Eleanor : What the fork? Who are you?
Janet : I'm Janet. I'm the informational assistant here in the Good Place.
Chidi : She's like this walking database. You can ask her about the creation of the universe or history
Eleanor : Oh, there was a guy who lived in Avondale, Arizona, around 2002. His name was Kevin Paltonic.
Is he gay?
Janet : No.
Eleanor : Really? Huh. I guess he just didn't want to have sex with me.
Janet : That's correct.
Eleanor : Well, that's fine, I wasn't that into him anyway.
Janet : Yes, you were.
Chidi : Okay, Janet, I have a question.
Janet : Okay.
Chidi : What is the Bad Place like?

Janet : Oh, sorry, that is the one topic I'm not allowed to tell you about. I can only play you a brief audio clip of what is happening there right now.
Chidi : Okay.
[people screaming]
Woman : The bear has two mouths!
[sound stops]
Eleanor : Well, it doesn't sound awesome.
Eleanor : Does everyone have a huge house except me? All right, we need a plan.I say we just lie low
and hope that they don't notice me.
Chidi : I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you. I just don't like being dishonest, and I can't advise you to
be dishonest either.
Eleanor : Come on, I'm just asking you to fudge a little bit.You must've told a few white lies in your
life. I mean, what was your job?
Chidi : I was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy.
Eleanor : Mother-forker!
Chidi : I'm getting a stomachache. I'm in a perfect utopia, and I'm I have a stomachache. This is awful.
I…I, uh I think I have to tell Michael about this.
Michael : Tell Michael about what?
Eleanor : Michael? Hi. What have you been up to?
Michael : Eleanor, Chidi, I would like you to meet Tahani and Jianyu. They are soul mates and your next-door neighbors.
Tahani : Hello. Can I just say I love your house. It's just so tiny and cute. It's like a little child's plaything,
like for a family of mice or for a very fancy little dog. I love it. It's just so sweet and teensy. Just like
you. Boop.
Michael : Oh.
Eleanor : Oh. You booped me. Ha-ha.
Tahani : I did.
Eleanor : That's fun.
Michael : Tahani and Jianyu are having a little welcome party tonight, and they've invited the entire
Tahani : I simply adore entertaining. Don't I just adore it, Jianyu? Oh, yes, by the way, Jianyu here is
a Buddhist monk, you see? And he obeys a strict code of silence. So when you see him smiling and
nodding, that's actually his way of jumping up and down with glee. Isn't that right, darling? So we'll see
you tonight?
Eleanor : Great. Chidi : Yes.
[Classical music playing]
Eleanor : No way. My entire house could fit in this room.
Chidi : Okay, uh help me out here. Tell me one good thing that you did on Earth, just one truly kind and
decent act so that I can feel better about helping you out.
Eleanor : Uh…
Chidi : Let's forget about good. Um, just tell me something neutral about yourself. Like, tell me about
the day before you died. What do you remember?
Boy : Hi there. Do you have a second to talk about the environment?
Eleanor : Do you have a second to eat my farts?
Boy : You missed.
Eleanor : Pick it up if you're so horny for the environment.
Eleanor : I don't remember anything specific.
Chidi : Oh.
Eleanor : Look. I might not have been a saint, but it's not like I killed anybody. I wasn't an arsonist. I never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived
out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Chidi : Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Eleanor : All I'm saying is these people might be "good," but are they really that much better than
Man : Well, I spent half my life in North Korea fighting for women's rights and the other half in
Saudi Arabia fighting for gay rights.

Woman : So we said, "If the UN won't remove those land mines, we will." And we dug up over a thousand unexploded land mines from the area surrounding the orphanage.
Man2 : Well, then he said, "You can't give me both your kidneys; you'll die." And I said, "But you will
live." And I know we just met on this bus ten minutes ago, but he seemed nice.
Eleanor : Oh, forget it. Heading to the bar!
[Clinking glass] [applauding]
Michael : Thank you, thank you. You all know that I am the architect of this neighborhood. But what you
don't know is Golly, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but, um, oh, what the heck? This is actually the
very first neighborhood that I have ever designed. I had been an apprentice for over 200 years, and my
boss has finally given me my first solo project.
[crowd exclaims][chuckles]
Michael : Yes! [laughs]
Eleanor : Ah, gah-gah gah-gah-gah. Hold on there, ace. Let me get more of them shrampies.
Chidi : Okay, easy.
Eleanor : What? They're for everybody, right?
Chidi : Yes, exactly.
Michael : And you deserve a perfect world because every single one of you is a good person. That's it
for me. Back to you, Tahani.
Tahani : Bravo, Michael, bravo!
Michael : Thank you.
Tahani : Um, and I would just like to quickly say if any of you would like to play tennis tonight, we have 36 regulation grass tennis courts. Such fun. Cheers.
[laughs] [applause]
Eleanor : Tahani, what a condescending bench.
Chidi : Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Eleanor : Am I right? Why does she still have that British accent, right? No one else here has an accent.
She's choosing to have that accent.
Chidi : shushes
Eleanor : [imitating Tahani] "Oh, hello. I am just a big, beautiful, utterly perfect cartoon giraffe."
Chidi : Oh, okay. Okay. I think it's time to go home.
Eleanor : Wait, wait, wait. I just have to go upstairs real quick and steal a bunch of gold stuff.
Chidi : Okay, don't do that. … Don't do no, Eleanor, Eleanor, Eleanor.
[light instrumental music]
Eleanor : Hello, creepy house that I hate. Hello, one million clowns.



첫번째 문장

"We aim this at seniors. Now you can't legally call it medicine because it doesn't technically work and it is technically chalk."

우리는 노인들을 타겟으로 한다. 이것은 합법적으로 약이 아니다, 왜냐면 사실 약의 효과가 없기 때문이지 그리고 정확하게 말하면 분필이야.

aim : (direct) 목표 aim___at someone or something 으로 주로 사용!

technically : According to the facts, 사실적으로 말하면, 구체적으로 말하면


두번째 문장

"So your job was to defraud the elderly? Sorry the sick and elderly?"

그러니까 너는 노인들에게 약을 파는 직업이야? 아니 아픈 노인들에게?

defraud : illegally obtain money from (someone) by deception, 합법이 아닌 방법으로 돈을 벌다


세번째 문장

"I wasn't that into him anyway."

나도 어차피 그에게 관심이 없었어.

구글로 찾아보니깐 관용적으로 쓰이는 거 같아서 적었습니다.

-> 관심을 가지지 않다, 매력을 느끼지 않다, 호감이 가지 않다 정도로 하고 영어로 가져갑시다.


네번째 문장

"That is the one topic I'm not allowed to tell you about."

이 주제는 내가 당신에게 말해주도록 허락되지 않는 주제입니다.

이 표현도 여러가지로 응용할 수 있을 거 같아서 적어봤습니다. 예를 들어서,

That is the one secret I'm not allowed to tell you about 같이 비밀에 대해서 얘기할 때도 좋을 거 같네요


다섯번째 문장

"I say we just lie low and hope that they don't notice me."

내 생각엔 우리가 눈에 잘 안띄고 그들이 나를 알아채지 못하길 바란다.

lie low : hide, keep out of sight


여섯번째 문장

"Come on, I'm just asking you to fudge a little bit. You must've told a few white lies in your life."

그러지말고, 나는 그저 니가 조금만 눈감아주길 부탁하는거야. 너도 분명 착한 거짓말은 했었을 거 아니야.

fudge - deal with inadequate way, to conceal the truth or mislead. 우리나라 말로 눈감아주다, 넘어가다. 이런식으로 생각하면 될 거 같네요

white lie : 작은, 사소한 거짓말, trivial lie


일곱번째 문장

"What have you been up to?"

오늘 머했어? 요즘 머했니? 새로운 거 머 있나?

요것도 아주 관용적인 표현으로, 정말 평상시에 물을 수 있는 것입니다. 아니면 오랜만에 만나는 친구에게 현재의 근황이나 이런것을 물을 때도 자주 쓰입니다. What have you been up to today?


여덟번째 문장

"Can I just say..."

Can I just say 도 정말 많이 쓸 수 있을 거 같아서 적어봅니다. 할말이 있을때 이렇게 시작하면 좋을 거 같네요. Can I just say I really love you 같이요!


아홉번째 문장

"It's just so sweet and teensy." "You booped me."

그 집은 아주 예쁘고, 작다. 니가 나를 boop 했다.

teensy : tiny

boop : 보통 코를 누르면서 내는 소리


열번째 문장

"I simply adore entertaining." "And he obeys a strict code of silence."

나는 보통 엔터테인한것을 좋아한다. 지안유는 침묵의 서약을 따른다(불교에서의)

adore : love, respect

entertaining : providing amusement or enjoyment

strict code : 서약


열한번째 문장

"Tell me one good thing that you did on Earth, just one truly kind and decent act so that I can feel better about helping you out. Let's forget about good. Um, just tell me something neutral about yourself."

지구에서 했던 좋은 일 하나만 얘기해봐, 친절했고, 적절한 행동 하나만 내가 너를 도와주는거에 기분이 나아지도록. 좋은 일은 잊어버려라. 음, 그냥 중립적인 일을 한것에 대해 얘기해봐!

decent : 적절한, 위안을 주는, moral behavior

neutral : 중립적인, not helping or supporting either side in a conflict

열두번째 문장

"And we dug up over a thousand unexploded land mines from the area surrounding the orphanage." "You can't give me both your kidneys; you'll die."

우리는 고아원지역을 둘러싼 1000개가 넘는 폭발물들을 수거했다. 너의 모든 신장을 나에게 주면 안된다. 너는 죽을 거야

dig up : remove something from under the ground

mines : a type of bomb placed on or just below the surface

orphanage : 고아원

kidney : 신장, 콩팥


열세번째 문장

"I had been an apprentice for over 200 years, and my boss has finally given me my first solo project."

나는 견습생으로 200년 넘게 있었고, 결국엔 내 보스는 나의 첫번째 솔로프로젝트를 맡겼다.

apprentice : 견습생, 인턴, rookie, beginner


열네번째 문장

"Tahani, what a condescending bench."

타하니 정말 거들먹거리는 뇬이다.

condescending : 거들먹거리다.

bench : 스펠링은 우리가 생각하는 벤치이지만, 굿 플레이스에서는 욕을 사용할 수 없기 때문에 사실 이것은 bxxch 입니다. 저도 찾아보고 알았습니다 ㅎㅎ


열다섯번째 문장

"I think it's time to go home."

내 생각엔 지금 집에 가야할 타이밍이다.

이 문장도 꽤 많이 응용할 수 있을 거 같아서 가져왔습니다. 예를 들어서, I think it's time to eat dinner. I think it's time to start movie.


Part3는 여기까지 입니다. Part 4를 하면 1화가 다 끝날 거 같네요. 리딩 작업을 다 마치면 저는 쉐도잉을 시작을 할 것입니다. 혹시나 궁금한 문장이나, 표현이 있으면 댓글 달아주시고, 같이 영어공부 열심히 해요. 저는 유튜버 양킹님을 보면서 많이 자극을 받았는데, 궁금하면 유튜브에 한번 검색해보세요 좋습니다!!
